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Whom to Involve in Your Foundation? Essential Support for Your Cause

Are you running a foundation with ambitious goals? Whether your foundation relies on a dedicated team of staff or the invaluable support of volunteers, involving specialists from various fields can significantly enhance your chances of achieving your statutory objectives. In this article, we explore three key professionals whose expertise can make a world of difference for your foundation’s success.

Accountant: Keeping Your Finances in Order

Do you want to ensure your foundation maintains accurate financial records and fulfills its reporting obligations? Enter the accountant—the unsung hero behind the scenes. NGOs are required to keep accounts, and an experienced accountant can handle this responsibility with ease. They will maintain meticulous documentation, adhere to the principles outlined in the Accounting Act, or use simplified income and expense accounting (UEPIK) as described in the Public Benefit Activities and Volunteering Act. Moreover, when your foundation decides to employ staff, an accountant becomes indispensable, ensuring compliance and assisting with the submission of financial statements.

Lawyer: Navigating Legal Matters

Legal issues can often arise, posing challenges to the smooth functioning of your foundation. That’s where a lawyer comes to the rescue. They provide essential support, helping your foundation meet its obligations and address any ongoing legal concerns. From preparing draft resolutions for the management board to drafting contracts and providing ongoing legal advice, a lawyer ensures your foundation operates within the legal framework. Additionally, they offer valuable assistance during the foundation registration process, ensuring a solid foundation for your endeavors.

Payroll Specialist: Streamlining Employment Processes

If your foundation employs staff, managing payroll can be a time-consuming and complex task. Enter the payroll specialist, the expert who takes charge of payment processing, contribution calculations, and leave management. Their role is vital in ensuring that your foundation meets its obligations towards employees while maintaining accurate and efficient payroll systems. By delegating these responsibilities to a payroll specialist, you can focus on what matters most—advancing your foundation’s mission.

By involving these key specialists – an accountant, lawyer, and payroll specialist – in your foundation, you can enhance your organizational effectiveness and focus more on achieving your mission. Their expertise in finance, legal matters, and staff management will provide valuable support, allowing you to make a lasting difference in your community. As a result, you can concentrate on making a lasting impact through your foundation.

Would you like to learn more about how these professionals can support your foundation? Reach out to us at biuro@legalden.pl, and we will be happy to assist you.

  • Adwokat lubiąca tworzyć kreatywne rozwiązania i pomagać Klientom w wyborze najkorzystniejszego z nich, stąd tak dobrze czuje się w swojej roli. W pracy na rzecz NGO najbardziej ceni sobie różnorodność oraz szczególną misję, jaka towarzyszy każdej z tych organizacji. Posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie w zakresie postępowań sądowych i arbitrażowych (w tym postępowanie arbitrażowe, w którym wartość przedmiotu sporu przekraczała 500 milionów złotych) zdobywane w renomowanych kancelariach w Polsce oraz w Wielkiej Brytanii. Absolwentka Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego na kierunku prawo oraz prestiżowej uczelni London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) w Londynie, gdzie w ramach rocznego programu studiów General Course pogłębiała swoją wiedzę z zakresu prawa medycznego, prawa własności intelektualnej oraz prawa publicznego międzynarodowego. Czas wolny spędza przede wszystkim ze swoimi przyjaciółmi – w tym ukochanymi pieskami Lebronem i Enzo – a także przy ciekawej książce czy serialach dokumentalnych. Interesuje się psychologią, Formułą 1, a także nauką języków obcych.

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